The Wedge for Technology

Welcome to The Wedge for Technology. You made an excellent choice by deciding to join this program.

Your Downloads

Before you get started, please download the following files.

Picture Perfect Recipe Cards for Technology

The Wedge Workbook for Technology

The Completion Level of Your Training.


Wedge for Technoloy

Welcome to Module 1 of The Wedge for Technology

Below, you will find a video replay of the first webinar in the series.


Welcome to Module 2 of The Wedge for Technology

Second Webinar

Below, you will find a video replay of the second webinar in the series.


Welcome to Module 3 of The Wedge for Technology

Third Webinar

Welcome to Module 4 of The Wedge for Technology

Fourth Webinar

Welcome to Module 6 of The Wedge for Technology

Sixth Webinar

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Welcome to Module 5 of The Wedge for Technology